Leighton No Frills
Leighton No Frills
All prices include GST (where applicable)

Event Summary

Date: Saturday Mar 22 to Sunday Mar 23
Nominations Close: Wednesday Mar 19 10:00 PM
(All times on this page are SA local time)
Location: 895 The Camels Hump Road, Leighton
Dogs: No dogs allowed. No campsite reservations. Fires: No fires permitted. No catering provided.
Ride Base Open: Sat 22nd 10:00 AM to Sun 23rd 5:00 PM
895 The Camels Hump Road, Leighton
Ride Office Open: Sat 22nd 2:00 PM to Sun 23rd 5:00 PM
Temperature Log: All horses require a 4 day temperature log - 3 days prior to event + day of event prior to travel - see Horse Health Declaration form attached
Refund Policy: Refunds are available minus a $20 administration fee if notice of withdrawal is received by secretary@saera.asn.au by 11:59pm on the Friday before the event - for full details please see refund policy attached


Jessica Aistrope Ph: 0437524690
E-Mail: secretary@saera.asn.au

Event Information

The course will consist of dirt roads, dry weather tracks and paddocks. An undulating ride with varied terrain under foot.

Please leave your campsite as you found it. Pick up, bag and take home all hay, manure and rubbish.

PLEASE NOTE - SEVERE WEATHER Ride start times are subject to change if severe or hot weather is expected for the weekend among other factors. Please ensure you keep up to date with updates on Facebook and on this event page leading up to the event.

PENDING Coffee van on site pending availability

DAY MEMBERSHIP $40 for adults and $30 for juniors payable for all non-members of SAERA.


80km Endurance Ride

P/R Vetting: Sat 2:30 PM to Sat 5:00 PM
P/R Briefing: Sat 6:00 PM
Ride Starts: Sun 5:00 AM
Early bird discount: $30.00 before Mon Mar 17 10:00 PM
Ride Entry - Member $145

40km Intermediate Ride

P/R Vetting: Sat 2:30 PM to Sat 5:00 PM
P/R Briefing: Sat 6:00 PM
Ride Starts: Sun 8:00 AM
Early bird discount: $30.00 before Mon Mar 17 10:00 PM
Ride Entry - Adult Including Day Membership $135
Ride Entry - Junior Including Day Membership $125
Ride Entry - Member $95

20km Introductory Ride

P/R Vetting: Sat 2:30 PM to Sat 5:00 PM
(Or from 8:30am Sunday)
P/R Briefing: Sat 6:00 PM
(and/or mounted 15 minutes prior to start time)
Ride Starts: Sun 9:00 AM
Early bird discount: $30.00 before Mon Mar 17 10:00 PM
Ride Entry - Adult Including Day Membership $115
Ride Entry - Junior Including Day Membership $105
Ride Entry - Member $75

10km Introductory Ride

P/R Vetting: Sat 2:30 PM to Sat 5:00 PM
(Or from 8:30am Sunday)
P/R Briefing: Sat 6:00 PM
(and/or mounted 15 minutes prior to start time)
Ride Starts: Sun 10:00 AM
Early bird discount: $30.00 before Mon Mar 17 10:00 PM
Ride Entry - Adult Including Day Membership $105
Ride Entry - Junior Including Day Membership $95
Ride Entry - Member $65