Renewing your Membership
From 1 January every year you are able to renew your membership via the AERA Online website. You can also check your contact details at the same time to ensure your information is up to date and correct.
- Login to AERA Online using your AERA Online account details remembering that the email address you use for your account needs to be the same as the email address stored against your record in AERASpace as this links the two aspects.
- Select the ‘My Details’ menu item which displays the Member Details section.

- Select the ‘Renew’ button to display the Membership screen.

- Select the ‘Amend’ button to review/update address and contact information as required. New Emergency Contact fields (Emergency contact name and Emergency contact phone) are now available and will need to be completed. Populate these fields with the person details who will be the emergency contact for most rides you are attending – these can be updated for each ride, if required. Save the changes to return to the Membership screen.
- Select the drop down list available in the Membership type field to choose the appropriate option for membership renewal. The options displayed are based on your address – For example; if have a Victorian address the membership options displayed will be those applied by VERA. The list will be filtered to remove options that are not applicable, i.e. you are an adult so junior membership categories will not be displayed.
Note: If you reside in the defined Northern Zone area both NSWERA and QERA membership options will be displayed allowing you to choose which state you affiliate with.
- Tick the Include Personal Accident insurance option if you wish to take out insurance. Note: If you wish to take out Personal Accident insurance you MUST download the PA Application Form, complete it and send it to the Registrar/Membership Register for insurance to be made available to you.
- Complete any other tick box options (these will vary dependent on the State in which you reside).
- Select the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the Payment Summary screen.

- This summary screen displays the Membership type selected and whether insurance has also been selected. The price for the Membership category will be displayed along with the Westpac processing fee payable and the total cost of the transaction. Family Membership details are provided. To add additional family members (who must have the same email address on their record in AERASpace to link) or to pay for someone else’s memberships renewal, select the ‘Add Another’ button. Select the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the Acceptance of Declarations screen.
- The Acceptance of Declarations screen provides information on the Declarations presented, which vary depending on whether insurance has been selected and whether there is a Junior membership included in the renewal. Click on the ‘Read / sign here’ link to view the details of the declaration, confirm acceptance and continue. Progress to make payment will be unavailable until the Membership Declaration has been signed.

- Once the acceptance has been completed the ‘Continue’ button will be selectable.

- Select the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the Invoice Details screen which allows modification of the details printed on the invoice, for example, where a business is used to pay the membership renewal fee.

- Select the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the payment screen. The Back to T & C screen navigates back to the Acceptance of Declarations screen.
- The Payment screen is displayed allowing entry of payment details. Navigation back to previous screens is available should an adjustment to the membership renewals details. The ‘Pay Now’ option will not be selectable until all payment information is entered and has been validated as correct. Details provided include the Westpac processing fee, the total amount payable and the GST status of the payment.

- Once the payment has been processed successfully the Payment Successful screen will be displayed and will include a link to the invoice and to the PA Application Form (if selected).

- Selecting the ‘Finished’ button will navigate back to the Member Details screen which no longer displays the Renew option.

- The ‘My History’ menu option provides details of Past Memberships and a link to the invoice.