Cardiff Endurance Ride
All prices include GST (where applicable)
Event Summary
Date: Saturday Mar 22 to Saturday Mar 22
Nominations Close: Monday Mar 17 8:00 PM
(All times on this page are WA local time)
Location: Cardiff Hall
Dogs: Allowed but must be on leads at all time. Dogs not permitted at pre-ride breifing or presentations. Campsite: Manure & Hay can be placed in designated stockpile area. Horse Water available. Fires: No Fires Permitted. Catering: Friday Evening - menu to be advised.
Ride Base Open: Fri 21st 12:00 PM to Sun 23rd 8:00 AM
Parking is around the outer edges of the oval. All rubbish to be taken home
Ride Office Open: Fri 21st 3:00 PM to Sat 22nd 3:00 PM
Is located in the Cardiff Hall on the opposite side of the road from the camping oval.
Temperature Log: 4 day temperature log required. 3 days prior to departing home for the ride and the morning you travel to the ride.
Refund Policy: $30 non refundable deposit is included in your entry fee
Event Information
PRESENTATIONS - Please stay for presentations, not only is it a horse welfare requirement to remain for a period of time after you have vetted, it is also considered part of the ride that you stay for presentations to receive your logbook/day card and congratulate your fellow riders. We aim to hold presentations as soon as possible - Timings TBC on the day.
CATERING - Will be provided Friday evening. Menu TBC.
HOOF PROTECTION - Hoof protection is recommended, tracks are a mixture of mainly gravel with some sand.
LATE ENTRY FEE - Late entry fee $50 per entry applies